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Family Life

Ideas to help mom succeed with the family life

The American Long Term View…

If “we the people” need to remind Congress what a long term view of America should look like, we can. It starts with families, and homes, communities and local economies. Our States each have a flavor and a specific style that makes it unique. America is a melting pot of many flavors and character. That’s a good thing. Federal issues need to be the big things. Our Educational Institutions are an asset of our cities, states and country. We know that clean water and sanitation was key to health and wellness. We learned that a long time ago. Out of […]

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I couldn’t be more pleased…

In 2005 I took the boys on the Southwest Chief from Fullerton, CA to Kansas City, MO.  They were 12 and 10 at the time.  What mom wouldn’t think a sleeper car, a dining car and 2 days on a train doesn’t sound like fun? My husband flew from Orange County, CA to Kansas City and rented a van so he could pick us up at Union Station.  We were on an adventure to find the Oregon Trail, and a little area known as Marshall County, KS where his family had been from in the 1860’s…  It was an exciting

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Antique Easter Eggs

Grandma Shaw would help us make these lovely Easter eggs as her mother had done in the old country. It’s very easy, and you won’t believe how lovely they are. 1. Take a raw white egg 2. Take the brown skins from an onion. 3. Use a square piece of cloth large enough to hold the egg, about 8″ X 8″ Place the piece of cloth down first. Wrap the brown skins around the raw egg to cover it. Bring the corners of the cloth together and tie with a twistie tie. Do a few more eggs. Place the bundle

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I met Greg today…a global citizen.

I went out front to feed the birds bread. He was just walking by and told me the yeast was bad for the birds. I appreciated his perspective, and saw how cute this little old Jewish man was, with his walking stick, backpack and fine cap. It was his accent that spoke to my soul. I kept him engaged while I listened. We both love our home in Irvine, CA and how we are such a global city. Our mix of people has gone from white with a few blacks from the nearby military bases to a very broad base

I met Greg today…a global citizen. Read More »

The talents of Thomas Jefferson

Wisdom from our forefathers…  How was it that so many of our Congressmen had a difference in opinion, but believed in the same principles?  The principle of capitalism needs to remain alive and well in America.  Our grandfathers knew that necessity was the mother of invention, and they went to work to create!  America is the land of creativity!  We nurtured the arts and the creative talents that made America the land of inventions. We need to be creative again in a big way!   Things actually can be made in America still, and we know a lot about marketing.  Keeping

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A fabulous use of technology for a community…

When we were growing up, the ability to “get around” provided the freedom in life. It was transportation. The ability to get around beyond your own feet! It quickly moved from horse, to wagon and train. In Pasadena, CA Henry Huntington brought us the Pacific Electric streetcar in the 1930’s that revolutionized Southern California. Our last visit through Dallas airport gave us a chance to ride the SkyLink. It was such a great use of transportation and a way to link a community. I wanted to share photos so you could envision the future with me! Our Universities and educational

A fabulous use of technology for a community… Read More »

We welcome the Chinese 2011 Year of the Rabbit

As we say goodbye to the Year of the Tiger, we welcome in the Year of the Rabbit, that it may be a softer, warmer and more pleasant year! I love this painting by the artist Spring! Let me share her with you in this post. I am personally so grateful for all that the Chinese have done for us, and for America. Original art by Spring Liao

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