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Grandma always had a garden and an apron

My hero as a child was my Grandmother in her 70’s. She led by example. Her garden was refreshing and a constant thrill to retrieve things we would eat, and her kitchen just worked. The salt in the salt dish, the can of bacon grease, her sour dough pancakes were my favorites. You had to start it the night before!

She loved Jesus, his teachings and his music. Her example as a mother and grandmother showed her offspring how life should be lived. She had a good life and a long life. She was loved.

Now, 30 years after her death, she lives in me still. That is how you carry on the family tradition, values and integrity. Thank goodness she had a business sense too, and she learned about real estate, stocks, bonds and how to carry back paper. She and grandpa were smart business people and they raised a family during the great depression. Grandma was full of stories!

When women all had to pull together, to get the vote, to make a difference, to advocate for ourselves and our children, we thrived.

We must come together once again for a 2020 Initiative to nurture our communities, our cities, our state with kindness, because we need to help save the failing without a government bailout.

Housing is at the base of someone’s life. Where do they live and with what stuff. In the end, stuff matters. But life is not all about stuff. 

Kindness in people is the goal.  Man is not really very kind.  He is downright mean to each other.  Jesus came to set man straight.

Women understand kindness because we birth the babies.  It’s an act of mother nature that is beyond man.  It’s a universal principal!  It’s truly a miracle!  As mothers we advocate and nurture.  As half the population we need to step up and nurture the world.  The women who know how to lead are around me, and together we can all have the thought that brings us out of this mess!

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